So Morocco has worked with Eldo on previous occasions on various projects and now the time had come to work on their main website.
Looking for a completely new look, the team at SO Morocco had solid ideas of how that wanted their new design to turn out. Working together to ensure their design ideas worked well across all devices and kept their strong SEO, it was a very collaborative process.
The project was a combination of importing existing content and making way for new. Being sensitive to existing URLS setting up redirects and doing everything possible to make sure their users and ‘Google juice’ had a seamless experience form one design to the next.
The team have full access to edit the website going forward – and quickly too! They can update their text, images, tours, testimonials, whatever and whenever they need to.
Hosted on our Eldo Premium Hosting the website is safe, backed up, monitored and kept up to date, always!
Give us a shout. We’d love to discuss your needs, share our advice and see how we can help. Who knows, it could be the start of a beautiful relationship.
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